Sibbes - BT153 .M4 S422 1638

I tken they ~re . Churclies. · · :Alas ! in m~ny plac'es · ,no.w·, they: are . hells_ · be~ caufe there is"little regard had , of.. infi•ucting - of them. B.eloved, many poore foules have hati oc.. . cafi:·on to ~ b.le1fe God for ever,-that . they hatle _bfn grafted into fuch /good . .famil.ies; · And p~t cafe· · <io q_~ in.. ; fometimes, · thou haft · ftrutbons . n. A d. h .... d : may be.ef-' ~nnrU\.Ic.~ t em, an t~· i r,eauall ~e:~ ~- pau~-es_ and there Is ;. loDg after. no good done. . ;.Whea thou art dead ~ -~- tweruyi yeares after, it may c-ome '· , to their mimds, all thofe; - 1 : inltru~ioa-~, when tbey:· are in. wo1;fe fami!ics.O h!. in · fuchap~~e,withfuch .a · .Mafter I had fuchin,ltrutii•