Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

.i ---;;;--- ljleep~ . \ Ss a. III• . aCl:ions, when it is not with him as it hath been, 1 ·andashe would.The reafon is, where there is a I cleare and heavenly light,there ldfer motes are\ difcernable : and fpiritualllife is fenfible ofany obftruction and hinderance. This goeth in the . world for unneceffary nicety : the world ll:rai– nethnot at thefe goats : But thofe upon whofe hearts the Sun of Righteoufnefi'e hath !hined, have bothacleare fight and a tender heart. To come to the words [I Jleep] The Church fetcheth a comparifon from the body to ex• .prdfe the {late of the foule. It is one ufe of our · bodytohelp us in fpirituall expreffions. Whilfl: the foule dwelleth in the body, it dependeth , much in the conceiving ofthings upon the phan– tafie, and the phantafie upon the fenfes. Wee come to conceive of fpiritu;tll fleep by lleepof the body, which wearewellenough acquainted with. The Church,as fbeconfifisofadoubleprinci– ple, fldhand fpirit ~ingled together inall parts; asdarkneffe and light in the twilight and daw. ning oftheday:fo here lheexpreffeth her condi– tionin regardofeitherpart, fo far as the wascar– nail, ilie flept, fo far •s fhe was fpirituall,lhe was awake. . In thismixecondition,the flelhfor theprefent prevailed, yet fo as the Spirit had its working, : ljhe Jlept ,but her heart waked~ : ~ The wordscontaine aconfeffioa,If!eep, and a · orre;etion, butmyhem-twaketh-. She hath a dou1 le afpeet<; one to the ill,herjleeping;theother to l I ·· hcq ------------~------~--=- ~- -=--=