Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

,,Jyfleep. _ . ' ' falllikewife, ifnotthcit graCe;yet theC¥t::rcifeof s;;.nr. their graces, and are in danger tobe robbedof all. There is no danger but a man in,fleep is f4i_r,q for,andexpofed UntO;S ifer 4 was flaincafl(:ep,and, Ijhbojhethat noone d3y: and there is no temptati... z. Sam.-t·7· on, 00 £inoe, 110 JUdgement, but af~Ur~drowfie \ 1 ~.\ Chriaian is openfor; which is <?£: fC? t . ~ .. oft inf-ordngwatchfulndfeby the Sp~ri;t ofGQd in theScriptures. As fpiriruall deadnes offpirit isacaufe of other fins, fo likewife idsa punifbment ofthem;God powrethaSpiritDfa((IJ/ Jleep ltl.1o.Q.J~, uponmen, a?Jd clo{eth uptheir ey!s, tiU forne hea.vy .· '\ r .. judgement falleth upon them ; ancl h(}w many '· ' · h carnall m<=nneveraw.akeia this world, till they awake inhell~ No wonderthereforeth~t Satan labours t 0 caft men into adead aeep ail that be can, and delude.sthemwith dr~amesof a falfc good,that their dbte isgood;aadlike fo .to continue, that to morrow ihaJ1 beas to day, that no danger ~s neare , though Gods wrath hangeth over thetr head, ready tobe revealedfromhea· :ven. ', \ I I l - Thus wee fe.e how the refemblance holds. ~ Someapply this toConjl4ntines time about three ; hundred yeares afcer ChrHl, when -the ~hurc.h _ 1 upon p.eaceand ,plenty grew.fecure,andfuff,ered E~clefiafikallabufes tocre,epin . Religion ,b~gat ; Theodor.l.!. , plenty, and -the daughterde:voured -the mother. , 1 This m.ade ·the Wdt~rs ,of the .Ecclefi~LlkaU · Stories.w q.uefiio.o~- wbe.ther the ; Ch~t~ .bath more'hl,}ttby .op.e~ _p~rf~cution? orpe~c;:c, \"ben , one ~~----------------------------------~--