Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

I Jleep. 99 l . fpiritual dangers will not,as beingmore fecret & s~ not obvious to fenfe.No wonder then iffewwill l beleeveour report of the fearefull conditionof wicked ·men in theworld to come. Aman may be fiartled and a\vaked with outward dangers thttt is fpirituallyfottifh;but he that iscareleffeof · outward danger, will be regardle1fe of what we fay ia fpiriruall dangers. T~e feare ofdanger maybe thegreater, when (aslt was amongfi: the Iewes) thofe that !hould be wa~chfull them– felves, and awake others, in fiead of awaking, rocke the cradle, andcry,ptace, ptafe, theTemp7e ofthe Lord, the TempleofiheLord ; yet we mull: never forget to be mindfull with tbankfulneffe. for peace,and the Gofpell of peace, which yet byGods bleffing weenjoy, alwayesfufpecting thereadindfe ofnature to grow {ecureunder the abundanceoffavours,and fo tobletfe ourfelves inthat condition. 1. Nowwe know that fleep is creepingupon Signes ofa I us, bycomparing our prefent condition with our fle(pyfiate. I former, when we are in amore wakefull frame, when the graces of Gods Spirit were in exer1cife in u~.If we differ from that we were,thenall is not well. , 2. Compare our felves againe with that fiate and frame that aChriftian fhouldbein;for fome– timesa ChrHHango~s under an ·uncomfortable I condition, all t~e dayes of his life; fo that he is I notfitto make himfelfe his patterne. The true rule is., that defcription that is in the word of a 1 waking and living Chriftian, what fboulcl a man ~ b~ ·----- I