Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

l.fteep. lO) . l have we judgement, but to judge :tright between the things ofheaven and earth~ wherefore have we loveplanted in us, but to fet itori lovely cb– jects~wherefO'refoith, butto truft Godoverall«: whereforehatred;but to fly ii1 ? wherefore have we ttjfeclions,bwt for fpiritual things':'When ther– foreour affections are dull,and lofe their edge to thefetbings, being qui~k only to earthly things. What atemper is this':' how cloth 3 man anfwer his Creation,the fiate ofanew Creature~Wherforeare all graces planted in the foule, as faith and love,and hope and patience ; butto be in ex– ercife,aqdwaking;tohave thefe, and to let them SER.IIL ' · ileep,and lie unexercifed, fo far aChrill:ian for.. .gets hJ.'!lfelfe, and is not himfelfe, a Chrifiian as ' aChrill:ian, that is, inhisrighttemper iliould be · the achnd exercife of what is good in him, upon all occafions,as we fay of God, he is a pure Act,becaufebe is alwaiesin working. The Spi– ritof God is a pure Ad,in whom isnofuff~ring, but alla~ion,aboutthat tbat is fit for foglorious a nature :· So it is withthe fpirit ofaman, that · bath the Spirit ofGod; he is in aet,in exercife,in , ;E>peration :-As the Spirit is more or ldile in him, ! / fo he is more or Idfe in operation, more or ldfe i ,fruitfuU. What aworld ofgood might Chrifti~ i ans doe, ifthey were in a righttemper ; what a\ deale ot ill might they dcape_ and avoid that l they li~n,ifthey would rou'ze op their foules to ~ . · be as ChrifHans fhould be,and as their foule and ~ lconfdencetelsthem, they ought and might be, · did they rightly improve the meanes they have. \ , H 2 THE I , I I I. \ I' i J I ·i l ~ ' ' i •