Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

Butmyheart w~keth. J\nd anfwerable ro thefe inwatd powers is ~he outward obedience of Gods children, in their fleepy eftate ; they goe on in a courfe ofobedi– ence,. thoush deadly ~nd coldly, and not with that glory·that may giVe others good example, or yeeld themfelves comfort, yet there i~ a courfe ofgood duties,his ordinary way isgood, ·-1 111 S:aJ..Illi• . ~· - So they retaine alfo a'ourje o, obsdten,e. howfoever he may ftep afide, his fi rs may be fleepy when hiS. eftate iswaking.We mufl: diftin- 'I'_ha! we_mafl g uifh between a !late and afit, a man may have J 1 ifttngujfhbe- . . d . ween ,.ater an~gmfu fit in afoun body:The fl:ate ofa Chrt· antlftts. fiian is awaking ftatein the inward man; thebie courfes he falleth into are but fits out of which , he recovers himfelfe. Whence for ufe, let us m1g'nifie thegoodneffe Vfo ' · . of God, that will remaine by his Spirit, and let it fiay to in fuch hearts as oursare, !o prone to fecurity ancl fleepineffe, letit put Ui · ilil mind ofother like merdfull and gracious do– ings afour God for us;that he gave his Spirit to · us when we had nothing good in us ; when it met with nothing but enmity, rebellion, and in· · difpofcdnefk : Nay, confider how he debafed himfelfe and became man,in beingunitfdto our fraile flefu afcer an admirable nearne1fe, and all out ofmercy to fave us.• Iffo be that Satan fhall tempt us in fuch occaVfo ~. !ions, let me»ter intoourow11eJoules, Andftarch the trNthojGrace, our judgement,ourwils,our confiant courfe of obedience, and the inward principlewhence it comes, that we maybe able to fiand in·the,time of temptation. What ·~pheld · the