Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

1 ~18 ~ - Butmyheartwaketh. ' s B1\. nn. fleep; ' We never fall to fleep in earthlyandGar1 nail delights,till the foule let its hold goe of the befi things,and ceafeth to thinke of,andto won– der at them. What made<fitofes to fall from the Heb. t r. I delights of Egypt ~ he faw the bafell:.things in Relig-ion were greater therrthe greatell things in the Court, yea in theWorld. He efleemed the re– proach ofchrift ~etter then the greatefl treaforcs of Egypt. · 1 c~njiJet~tio• Make theheart thinkeof the jhortneje,a11dvani- . ty of thu ltfi, with the uncertainty ofthe timeof . · · our death; and ofwhat wGndrous confequenr it is to be in the ll:ate of Grace before we die. The Lutc. 19 • 42. uncertllinty ofthegales ofGrace,that there mJyhe Ma~·-,.l·i7: agood houre, which ifwe paffe, we may never have the like againe. As the Angell defcendea John r. at a certaine ho-ure into the poole of Bethefda, when thofe that entred not immediatdy after~ went aw<~y Gcke asthey came: So there are cer– t~ine good houres, which let us not negleel:, this 3-ConflJeration will help to keep us waking.Thenuefjity ofGrace, and then the free d1fpenGng ofit in Gods good time, and ·withall the terrour of the Lords day, Rlmemhring (faith Saint Paul) the tlrrtJurof the a Cor.r.• 1 ' Lot'd,I lahourto ftir up al men,&c.Indeed it fi1ould make us fiirre up oqr hearts, when we confider I the terrour of the Lord, to thinke that ere long I we!hall b~ an d.rawne to an exaa: a~counr, be– fore afiriel:, precife Judge ; And fhcll our eyes then befleeping and carele(fe~ . Thefe and fuch , like conGderatiops out offpirituall wifedome we /. fhould propoundto ourfelves, that fo wemight · have { . I ~ . . . . .. -- .... ...... , . . .. ·~ ~ . .. - ' ..