But m! heart waketh. -- reil them are fo ~ If there he any goodneffe in Sa R. IIII. their foules, it i~ wond·rous flecpy ; There is no man (even the befi) but may cornplaine fome- . thing, that they are overtaken in ~he contagion of thefe infeCtious times ; they cstch drowfie ten~pers (as our Saviour faith) of thofe latter times: Por thea!Jundanceofiniquity,the lovecf mtl· ny foal/ waxe cold. A chill t~mpergrowes ever from the coldneffeof the times that we live in, wherein the befi may complaine of coldndfe, butthere is great difference. The life of many, ·we fee,isacominuall fleep. Let us efpedallywatch over our felves in the ufe of liberty and fi1ch things as ·are in them· felves lawfull. It is ableffed fiate,when aChri– {l:ian carries himfelfe fo in his liberty, th~t his I heart condemnes him not for the abufe of that which it alloweth, and jufily in amoderate ufe. Recreations are lawfull,who denies it -: To re1 1 frdh amans felfe, isnot only lawfnll,but necef.. fary. Godknewit 'vel/enough: ThereforehathalI lotted time for lleep,and the like..But we must not l I t~rne. R:C'reationinto" ea/ling, to fpendroo much 1 . 1 tune tnlt. · 1 Where the~e is Ieall: feare., there is motl dan- , I ger alwayes. Now bec~ufe in lawfull things I I! ! ·~here is leall: feare, we are the~ e. i~ mo~ danger. It \ i'_l ts_trne for the moft part, Ltctttt pertmw omges, / more men perifh in the Church of God by the abufe oflawfull things, thenby unlawfull,more I l by meat, then by poifon : Bec2ufe every man ) takes heed of poifon, being.he.knowes the vej · I ·4 nome ~ ----- -----=---- ___..___._.. 1______.... ,.