Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

~_!2 o . j · Butmyheart 111aketh• 1 SEa.. IllI. nome ofir,but howmany men ft1rfet,and dyeby meat '! fo manymen die by lawfull things)they eternally perifh in the abufe of their liberties, more then in groffe fins. Therefore let us keep awake, that wemay carry our feJves foin our li. berries, that we condemne not our fdves in rhe The excellency r f h W .·11 I d h' · · h ofa wakinz, Ute o t ~m: e WI cone u et IS point w!r chrijtian. the Med1tanon of the Excellency of a waktog ~hrifrian, when he is ina right temper, heis an excellent perfon, fit forall alfaies) he is then im– prtgnable: Satan harh nothing to doe with him, for he (as it is faid) is then awift manandhath hu eyu inhis head; he knowes hirnfelfe,hisfiare,his I enernies,and adverfaries, the fnares ofProfperi– ty, and Advcrfiry, and of a!J condidons, &c. , Therefore he being awake, is not overcome of I t-he evill of any condition, and is ready f0nhe I . Mark.I3-37· goodof any efiare. He that hath awaking foule, l he fees all the advantages of good, and all rhe fnaresthat might draw him to ill. What ablef– fed efiate is this-: In all things thereforewat.:h:io all efiates,in all timcs 3 and in all actions.There is adanger in every thing without watchfulnelfe. There is a Scorpion under every fione (as the I Proverbe is)afnareunder every bJeffing ofGod, and in every condition, which Satan uferh as a weapon to hurt us. eAdveifrty to difcourage us, Pro/}erity to puffe us up. When, ifa ChrHHan hath nor a waking foule, Satan hath him in his fnare ;-In Frof}erity to be proud and fecure ; In· v1dverfitie to munnure,repin~,bedejected,:wd call Gads Pro.vidence into qudHon. When a 1 ChrWian\