Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

It is the rveice ofmy Belo~edthat knocketh. Chrifiianhath aheart, and grace to awake, then s h . 1. . EJ.8V. his Love, his Patience, his F4it ts 4WAKe, as it !hould be)he isfi~ for all condition~ to doe good in thc:m,and to take goodby them.. Let us therefore labour to prefervewatchfull and waking hearts continually, th3t fo we may .be fir ro live, ro die, and to appeare before the judgement {eat ofGod; to doe wht{tWe fhould doe,and fuffer what we iliould fuffer,beiog fqua– red for all efiates whatfoever. CANT.V. VsR.II. It i<s the 'VOice ofmy Beloved that kn(}cketh, flying, open tome, my Stfler, my Love, myDove, my r ndejled: For my.hettduj !led with dew) ttndm)' locks wtththedrops oftheNight. ~:;am~Ichertoby Gods affi~ance, we have heard largely, both oftheChurches, ·" Jleeping, and Pleart wa.king. What tliiiii~'~z. ,thisJleeping, an·d Hettrt-wttking is; ·How it comes, .the tryals of thefe oppolite difpofitior.s; of the danger of fleeping, and excellency of Heart-waking j and -0f fhe · helps .and means,. both to iliun theone;.and preferve . .