Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

I that knocketh. li;cin,; or to f.1tisfie theclamours ofa troubled confcien€e,that will have fome divine duty per– formed,elfe it goes on with much vexation. Eut . every true Chrifiian comes, and rdifheth what·• is fpiriruall: And when outward things can con- : ve~gh in ftmi1itud~s fpi_rimall things aptly to tl1e ) mmde, he reldbetb this not as elegant andplea- / '.fing his fancy fo much, as for conveighing the i voice of Chrifl unto his foule. So that a manli may much be helpt to know his ftate in Grace, and what he isby his eare : Itching eares ufi1ally I are fuch as are ledwith luft, as the Apofi:le faith" 1 an.d they mufr becl~wed. They are fickand~o- . 1thmg will downe wtth them, they q1:1arrell With I every thing thatis wholefome (as they did with l ~lanna)no Sermons will pleafethem,nobread ; is fine and white enough. Whereas indeed, it is their owne difremper is in faulr. As thofethat goe in afhip upon the Sea ; it is not the toffiAg, but the fiomacke, that caufeth a ficknelfe, the choler within, and not the wa·ves without : s0 the difquietof t hefe menthat nothingwi11 down with them, is from their owne ·di-ftemper. If · Chrift himfelfe were here a preaching, they {would be fureto cavill:\t fomthing, as then men did,when hepreached in his owne perfon; Be– caufe they labour oflufis,which they refolve to-' feed and cherHh. · And againe, Obferve it again!lour Adverfa1· ries : Wh~tfaythey '?How fhall we kn<?w that I I I ! 1 I theWord 1s the,Wordof God ~ For th1s here-- ticke faith thus, .and this interprets it thus. Th!~ 1· .:~. _______________ l_s.____,..,. l