Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

lt is the ~oicc ofmyBelorved S V with Chrifr.So he feeks nearer and nearer Corn· E l.e • munionwitb,his Spoufe,byall faActified means; Chrift hath never enough ofthe foulejhe would have them more and more open to him, our hearts are for Chrifi, who hath the heaven of heavens, and the foule of a beleeving Chrifrian ' for himfelfe ro dwell in; hecontents not hirnfelf ·' \ -~ tobe in heav~nalone,but hewill haveour hearts. · He k~ocks here, waits, fpeaks friendly and Io. vingly with fuch fweet words, UUy Love, my Dove)&c. We had abldfed Communion in the ftate of innocency, and ihall have a glorious Communion in heaven, when the marriage £hall be confummated; but nowthe timeof this life is but as the time of the contra er , during which there are yet many mutuall paff:tges of love between him and his Spoufe, a defire of mutuaJl Communion ofeither fide. Chrift de– fires further entertainment in his Churches heart and affection, that he might lodge and· dwell there: And likewife there is d1e like defire in the Church(when fhe is in a right temph).fothat if any ftx:angerJeffe be betweenCiuifi,& any mans foule, that bath taRed how good the Lord is, let him_not blame Chrift for it, for he delights net - in firangeneffe ; He that knocks, and ftands knoc– king, W,hil~ ~u locks are bedew ea with the drops of the night ? Doth he delight in firangendfe, that makes all this love to a Chrifiians foule ~ CerT.h~t the 'aufe tainly No. • of Chrtflr ' • flrangenefle to Th.erefore·looke for" the caure ofhtsfirange-~ the chur6 hu in ne!feat any time in thine owne felfe· As,whether our filvet. ' . we