Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

that knocketh. .,, r -----------::~--:---::------ - ved or rejeCl:ed _in his Minifiers,asit isfaid of NtJ. s V 11hs time,TheSpirit ,ofChrijf p~eachtd in the ~ayes l!J. • • of Noah to the foules now mprifon,&c. Chrtfi as God did preach before he was incarnate by No· 1 4h to the old world, which is new in prifon, in hell, becaufethey refufedcoheare Chrifi fpe3ke to them by : Much more now afrerthe dayesofhis fldh,that he is in heaven, he fpeaks andpreachethtous, whichifweregardnor, we are like to be in prifon) as thofe foules are now in prifon for negled:ing the preaching of Noah, 1 Det.3.19. So the Minifters are Chrifts mouth, when they fpeake he fpeaks by them, and they are as Ernbaffadours of Chrift <whom they lhou1dirnit,atein mildndfe) We therefore tU Em1. Cor.s,. u 6ajfadors he(eech and intreat you, IY if cbrift !Jy m fhould lfe~ke toy-oH ;fo weintre4tyou tobereconciled tmto God. And you know ~hathea,!t-breaking words the Apoftle ufeth tn all his Epiftles (efpecially wheri he writes to Chrifiians in a good fiate) as to the Philippi4ns, If there he 4ny Phil.r.t. /Jmels of mercy ,ifthere be any confol12tirm ;n chrift J then regard~hat I fay,beBfonemind.And among theT.beffalo»r4ns,HewasasaNurfe to them: So 1 Ther.,.r.9. Chrifi fpeakes by them, and puts his owne affeltions i.ntothem, that as he is tender, and full of bowels hirnfelfe , fo he bath put the fam~ bowels into tho{e that are his true Minifrers. He fpeakes by them, and they ufe all kinde of 1 me~nes that Chrifi may be entertain.ed into · lthe1r hearts. They moove all ftones (as tt were} I fome- . .