Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

thatknocheth. 139 -..;.____ thy )J'ay,walkein it. TheSpiritmoove"5 us fweet- Sa R. v. ly agreeable to our owne nature, it offers not vi-. olerice to us:But fo as inHofeA I 1·4· I drew them hy thecords of aman ; that is,hy reafons and motives befitting the nature ofman,motivesoflove: So the Spirit together with the word,works up– on os,3s we arememby rationall motives, fetting good before us : Ifwe will let Chrifi in togo– verne,ana rule USjand by the danger orn the con· trary, fo moving, and frirringupour affections: Thefebe the cordsof tt m~An. And befides his Spirit, God bath planted in us aConfcien~eto call upon us, to bQ his Vicat·, a little god in us to doe his office,to call uponus,to dired us, checke, and condemn<i! us, which in great mercy he bath placed in us. 6, I The Con(cie.nce al(o knocker. Thus we fee what meanes Chri£1: ufetk here; Huvoice,works, andwortl, worksofMercy andof Correefi on,his Word together with hisSpirit, and the confcience, that he bath planted to be (as it were) agod in us, which together with his Spi1 h. c rit may moove us to duty. This Au.ftinfpeaks of, feffi:ns, on~ whenhe faith,DetU inmu,&c.Godjpake in me oft, And Iknew it rJ{It;He meanes it ofConfcience,together with the Spirit, fl:irring up -motives to leave his finfull courfes. . God knocked in me, and I confidered it not. I cried, modo,and mod'o, fine modo. I put off God, now I will, and l'low I will,but I had no moderation, I knewno limits. Andwhileft Chriftthus knocketb, all the three Perfons may be faid to doe it : For as it is {aid dfewhere, ih~tt God WM and i5 in Cbrijl reconci2 <1:or.P9· ·------~----------'~m~--------