Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

The Contenrs. the Joules imm~rtali~y, P·'77 How trttnftendent majejly And infinite love dwelt together inChrifl, p.177 Why the Holy~Ghojle1ppearedin the fhape iftt Dove at chriJfs Baptfme, ' P·I79 church wh.Y compared tO A Dcve, P•I79 froperties ofaDove refembledto the Church,p.t8o WhAt defence Gods Church hath when it isper{ecuted, p.I 8s That Gods Church httth alwayes arefoge .in God iw the, .p. I 86 How the chu!ch is faid tohe und~filed, P· I 87 How Chrijls rightecu(n~ffe r;ot heii'Jg in the Church may yet he (aid to be thechurches, p. I 88 Bow we heingjirmers may yet hefaidto heunde(iled, p.t89 ·Chri.fts love to m jhouldm~tke m love him agait;e, P·I93 Direc1ion how afflic'1edinconfcience are to judgeof themjelves, p.194 ·chriHians are not to wrong themfelves with folft· judgi~g~ftheireffates, ·P· 1'~7 It u mt an eafie thmg to hring theJoule 11ndchriif together ;mo neA.r fillowfhtp, p•2oo F alfereafons ,excufts,ttndpretences hinder commu'- nionwithchnft, p. 20 r · Excu_(es ofthe ftejh to h)n.der our communion with chri.ft.anfwend, p.~02 Excufes of wordlings to hinder their commtiJ'I.ion wtth Chr1{fc a11-{wered~ p.204 Cat1-{es ofthe folft pretences 4ndexcufos r»hichhin- ( Jcr lfJttny ftomholy dteties, p.l07 · Helps · . ____ ,,__.