Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

.z. Cor.t,o. Co11{tJerationr inforcing u. to entert4i11e ·Cbrift. ·l '/ ~~~!"!~oieeofmyBe/o~ erJ · . ·in mine owne houfe, as the husband rules in his family,and a King in hisKingdome,he will h~ve all yeelded up to him : And he comes to beat downeall whatfoever is exaltedagainfl: hiq1,and that is the reafon men are fo1oath to operi unto , him. They know if they open to the S~,irit of God, he will turne themout o£ their fool~s :{la– tadice,and.makethem refolve upon otbertour– ies oflife, which becaufethey will not turne un- · ·to,they repell the fweet motions of theSpirit of Chrifl:, andpull away his Graces, building bol- · warkes againfl: Chrifl:, as·1ufis,firange imaginati– onsand refolutions. Let the Minifiers fay what theywilJ, and the Spirit moove as he will, thus they live,and thus they w~lllive.Let ustake no- · tice therefore ofaU the meanes that God ufeth to thefiate,and to us ~a particular, and every one labour to amend one. Every foule is the Tem– plC', the Houfe Chrifl: !hould dwell in, let every foule rheref0re among us confider what meanes . Chrift ufeth to come into his foule todwell with him,and to rnle there. ' And what iliall we lofeby it ~ Doe weenter– taine Chrift toour loffe-: Doth he comeempty ':' No~ he comes with all Grace, his GoodneJ!e is a Communicative,d~ffufive goodndfe) fi.e comes to f}rtttd his Trettfores, to enrich the heart with aH Grace andflrmgth to 6eare aUafflic?ions 1 tO encoun- ; · ter a!l.dangers., to hringpeace ofCon(cience, a-nd joy 'in the FieJy- Ghoft >he ·come-s (tndeed) t' m.zke our hearts(as it were)aHettven.Doebut confider this, he comes notforhis owne ends; but to empry hts t