Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

t;4 SEa. VI. V [e. 1 Sam..,3•5· Mar.~s. It isthe ..,oice of my Belot7led that ksocketh. Therefore let us take notice of this voyce of Chrift in tHe word, and not thinke as goodSt~. muel thought, that Eli fpake, when God fpake; let us thinke that God fpeakes to us in the Mini– fiery, that Chrift comes to woe US; and win us thereby. And we Minifters are the friends ofthe Bride– groome,whoare to heare what Chrifi faich,and would have faid to the Church, and we muft pray to him, that he would teach us what to teach others. W <! are to procure the conrraCl:, and to perfed: it till the marriage be in heaven, that is our worke. And you that are hearers, if you doe not re– gard Chrilt:s fweet voyce in the Minill:ery, which God hath appointed forthe government ofthe world,knew, that there is a'voice that you cannot fhake off, that peremptory voyce ar the day of judgement,when he will fay,Goeyecurftd intiJ heUjir.e,&c. And that God who delights to be fl:il€d aGodhearingprayer,will not heare thee, but faith, Such aone tU turnes hu eare away from hearingtheLaw, his prayer iJ 4~ominahle. It is a dolefull thing, that he that made us, and allureth us in theMinifier.y,that followes us with all evi · dences ofhis love, and addes together with the Minifiery many fweet motions ofhis Spirit,that he fl1ould delight in the defiruction of his crea– tures, and not endure the fight of them, Dep4rt · "w~ty from me yecurfedintohellfirt,&c. There are fcarfe any in the Church,but Chrifi bath allured ar onetime or other tocome in, and in many he opens