I opetotiUmJSifler,&c. . I 155-, opens their uflderlbndings in a great meafttte" sE R. VI. and knocks upon their hearts, that they (as it were)halfe open unto Chrifr, like!../!grippa that [aid ro Paul,Thoualmoj ptrfwadeftmeto hea(hri- ~~;~~/!. ittn.So Herod didmany things,andhehedrdglad– ly. They are halfe open, feeme to open,bur are not effectually converted,but atlafi they fee,that · further yeelding will not fiand with that which they refolve no~ topart with ; their lulls, their prefentcondition that they make their God, and their heaven, whereupon they fhut the doore againe, when they have opened it a littleto the motions ofGods Spirit, they dare give no fur– ther way, becauf~ they cannot learn the firfi leffoo in Chrifis fchoole, to deny ~hemfelves, and _· , take up their croffe. . This is anundoubted conclufion, our bldfed Saviour giveth fuch meanes and motions of his . Spirit to the vilefi perfons in the Church, that their Dwne hearts tell them, they have more meanes and fweeter motions then they yeeld to, and that the ftntence of condemnatidn u not pro. t~ouncedupon them for mterly not knowing ofchri.ft, hut upon fome grounds of rehe/lion,in that they goe not fo farre as theyare provoked, and put onby the Spirit of God, they refift the holy Spirit. There can 6e no rejijfance where there it not agoing Atl.7.3 1 • heyond the defire ~tnd will of himwhom he rejifteth. A man dothnotrefilt, when hegiveswayasfar as he is mooved. There is no wicked man in the Church,thatgives fo much way as he is mooved and fiirred tobythe Spirit and word ofGod. Away