Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

·I I I '' The Co.ntents ,. } ---;H ~lps tok~;p--tu .from puttin.{ offand ddttying holy I duttcsby falfe re~rfons andexcttfos, p. 21 t 1 That Chrtjl doth uje fometimes to leave his Church andchildren, . p.254 Ends why Chrift leaves hid child_rm. p.~ 37 . chrijiian'S wanting co-,r.fort are not to 6e ctnjured, 1 I p 2~o ~ (We ttre topPeparefor dcfertion, p 24 t '1 I The caufeofChrijls wtth-cfrawing comfort from us refts in our[elves, p-24r chriflttever '!-!together leaves theCbtt-rch, P· / 44 . chriflsgrace is thecaufe ofourgrace, .p. 245 'J/Vefinde 'experienceofthegraceofChrifl ef}etia!ly - ''vhen weflir up ourfelves toendeavour, p.z 4 6 Gods graces are fweet, p.:: 47 ~· Olitwardmeanesrvithout theSpirit ofChrifl are in- . ejfec1ua!l, p. ' 49 Chrift alway es leaves fome grace 6efore he offers to I part, P·250 Sins ofomifflon bringgriefoandjhame, p.253 chri.ft hathour ajfelfions inhis government,p.25' Clt;iflis wondt·rfolt in hisSaints and inhisgoodne.f{e·tow<ttrdsthem, p.z;7 . Tmth of~''JfeBion wilt difcovcr it felfi inoutward 1 . txpreffiom, · · . p.26o I The WtJrcfof Chrifl tboughfor thepttfenti't' 6tnot l ~f!ec1ttitll ,y entfterivardsit will be, ·p.261 Cbrijl (o leave.s his children (ometimes thttt 'their he-:/rts fitile the'tiJ for iVttnt of his prefonce, .p. 2 63 ! Car1[es 'ofthe fainting of(hrijliimfou!es, '{:>.264 lTk ·dijfert»ce '<!Jefwe-en 'the true childe of'GvJdand l '()fliers, · J>. <66 ----~~- : . _ chrift{