Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

Ma:.n.u. Open to meW) Sifler,&c. Away then with thefe impudent, ungracious 0 bjeClions about Gods Decree f6r matte.r of El\Ction, let us make it fure~<mdfor any ill con– ceits that may rife in our hearts abotlt that other . of reprObation, let this dampe them all, that in the Churc.h of God, he offers unto the vilefi: wretch fo much rneanes with the motions ofhis Spirit, as he refilling, proves inexcufabk, his owne rebellion therefore being the caufe ofhis rejedion. Let men ceafe from cavilling, God' hath that in their own breafi, in the heart ofeve– ry carnall man which will !peake for God againfl: him, and !lop his mouth that he fhall be filent,and fpcechl' ife at thedayofjudgement. Thus we fee that Chrift doth condefcend fo low as to account it almoft a part of his happi– neife to have our foules for a Temple to dwell I in, to rule there. Therefore he makes all this earnefi fuit, with tl:rong expreffions what he fuffereth. And Jin~e Chrill: beares this great and ~arge affection to his poore Church, it may encourage us topray heartily for the fame, and to fpread before God the fiate thereof. Why Lord?it id that . part·oftheWorld that i5 thy fljler,thy love,thy dove, thy undifiled:the Communion ,:vith whom thoulivejf above all the world hefides. It is a firong argument to prevaile with God;therefore let us commend the ll:ate of the Church at this time, or at any\ rime wirh this confidence, Lord, it if the churchl I H thtJt thou lovefl.. They thought they prevailed much with Chrifi~when they laboured to bring ~im { --------------------------------------