Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

The Contents. chriflis many timu prejent with {he churcli rvhfn Jbejnds andfeeles it not, p. ~ 69 How me are to j11dgeojour [elves in.a .dead effate, . p.27Ii We fhoulddtpendr,tpan Cbrift mhmhefeemcs ab{ent ftomttJ, · p,~72 How to knGwGodheares o~r pra_y ers, p. :a 7; Direclions hom to c.1rry our (elves when we pray mithout.fuccejfe,orin any ejlute ofdefert;on;P•;;. 75 It is noeajie thmg to be a(ountJ Chriflian p.z 77 Governours of the church andflate compared to Watchmen, . p.278 Rea/ofls why God1tjethWatchmen, p. 279 Htow thechurch WM' wot/naed by the J<Vatchmen, · p.280 Hon1 the churches vaile is taken 41V4J, p.2 81 Why theWatchmen are the wonders ofthe Chttrch, · p.28l We are not to thinke the w.orfe ofany for the difiracesofthetime, p.185 True gracegrowes up with difjcrdties-, p.!89 Ifweftr;dnot comfort in one means we muft have ' recourfe to another. p. 2 9o Reftmbtances between Hicrujalem ttnd the Churcb, P·Z90 How t1 knDwwe are daughters ofieru(alem, p.291 we t~re to dejiretbePlAyers ofotbers, p.z9' Love-ftcke whatit is, p.2g6 How to kn6·WwetJreJickeoflove toCbriiJ, ' p.297 HIIV is·the Chur&h jAid to bee thefoirtft A11101Zg w.omm, · · , p.307 Jn wh~tt refPells the CbN.r&b ,c.Zs her {eJfi bl~cke, __ P·S~8. There