Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

---------------------------------------- 179 1 duall, as to firengthen Faitb, fo to-~ioql<; Love. Let thefe be for a tafie to·direct our rneclitations S BR ::yn. 1 hercin.ltfollowes. ·., ·•· <My Dove. , . We know when Chrifi: was bapd.~ed,; the Mar.s, Holy-Ghofi appean;d in the thape ofa Dove(~s a fyrnbole of his prefence) to difcover thus _ 1·~ - ml.1ch.That Chrift fbould have thepropertyand M I at.ll ol9o difpofitionof aDove, 11nd he meeke and gentle. For indtted he became man for that end tobe a 'l:fl . f .r; . k d M:tt.J~ .l(), merCt{U Savtour. L~A17!~ ~ . mf'.fpr f."aJP mee ean lowly . v1nd I wiUn1t quench th~ fmoaking ftaxe, n~r hreake the hrulfedreed,&c.[aid he j and therefore the Spirit appeared upon him in tqe fbape ofaDove: Aslikewif~,To fh~w.what:hisoflke ll1ould be; for even as the Dove inNoahs v1rke was fent out,and camehome againe to the r._Arke with an olive Branch, to iliew that the waters were abated : So ChrHl: was to preach delive. ranee from the deluge of Gods anger, and to come with an Oliveleafe of peace in his mouth; and reconciliation, to ihew that Gods wrath.was 2 . appeafed. When he was horne,the Angels fun~ Glory toGodon high, 1nearth peace, Andgood will Luk.z.x -4. ~ towttrds men:Now as Chrifi had theSpirit in the likendfe of aDove : So all thatare Chrifis, the _ Spolife ofChrifi,have the difpofidon of Chrift, tht~t Spirit that framed him to be like a Dove, frames the Church to beaDove, M t~e oyn~ment Pfal. •H·l · thAt wao powrulon Attrlns hettd, it r.m tionme upon the low eft skirtsofhisgttnnents. . Now the Church is compare6i to a Do'lle; \ · N z partly, 1