1 M;• D.orve. I 181 would hav: his Spoufeto be adorned with, as is . SE R. vn. fhewed, 1 Pet.3·4· where the Apofl:le telswomen, it is the befi jewell and ornament thatthey can weare,and is withGod ofgreat price.Ultufes Numb. 1 "+ weread,was a mighty man in prayer; and a fpeciall meanes to help and fit him thereunto, was becaufe he was the meekefl. man en earth. And p 'Y 1 et. ~.~· therefore,.teph.2, 1,1. Seeke the Lord,feekemeekneffi. And ir firs a man fer communion with God. ForGodrejifteth theproud, andgivethgrace ee the m'etkeandht~mble. It is agrace that empties the foule of fe)fe .conceit, to thinke amans felfe unworthy ofany thing,and fomakes it capaciotu, /()rv, and fit for God to fill with a larger meafure of his Spirit ; it takes away the roughndfeand fwetiing of the fouk, that keeps out God and grace;therefore in that grace we mu!l: efpecially be like·this meeke creature, which is novindicative creature, that bath noway to revenge ir (elfe. Againe, It it A jimple creature rvithout guile, it bath no way to defend it fdf, but only by flight •. There is a fimplicity tha't is finfull,when there is no mixture of wifedome in it. There is a ftrnpli– city, that is a pure fimplicity,and fo God is fim– ple, which fimplicity of God is the groundof many other Attributes: For thqeupon he is Eter. nAil, pecaufe there is nothing contrary in him, there is no mixture in himofany thing uppofire: fo that is a good fimplicity in us, when there is no mixture of fraud, no duplicity in the foule; c..A d8uhlehtArtedmlln isinconflant andunflablein 1 8 :J• '.f" TT an,,J, • N .3 au, : __ , __ _: -~--