a84 . My po-ve. \ SE 1\o VII. 'things. 1 he foule ofacarnall,and a naturall man r ufeth tofeedupon dull:)earthand earrhlythings, I when the fouleofa true Chriftian, that bath the ! :'<tn'f.le.of ~race,feeds mat ly~it wi 11 not feed on that I ICa.6o.S. 2, 1 which is bafe and earthIy, but upon heaverily and fpiritaall things. . Jt 'is GYegaria avis, .t b1rdthat lov-es commu– ·nion and fdlow!1Ji.p, as the P.ropht"t fpeaks, Who are thofe-thatflocke to ~hewindowes·~U D~ves;for'fo they ufe to flocke to their houfesbycompanies. So the children of God love the communion ; andrfel!owfhip one of another.,and keep fevered · from the world,as foone as ever they are fcpara– ted from it ; d~lrghtrng in all ~hofe of the fame : nature.. D~vts will confort ·withDoves 5 Chrifii. ans withChrifiians and none elfe, they can re– lifhno .other company :.o thefe and fuch lirke pro– pertii's may profitably be confidered of the Dove. The much ll:anding uponthefe, were to wroQg the imendment ·oft:lre Spirit ofGod ; to neglechhem altogether, were as much. There– fore we have touched upon fome properties only. Now, For the fofferings of the church,it is like . a.Dove in this, The D1ve umolefledhy aU the hirds ofprey,it being the common prey ofall other ra. venous birds. · So the poore Church ofGod is perfecu•ed and moldl:c:d, oh that I hadwings like a Dove, &c. (faith holy David) Ic is an old fpeech, and it is for evertrue, 'Ihttt Crowet .tnd foch,efcape better then Doves. The puniiliment · that iliould light on Ravens, ofc times it lights J on