Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

.. ..--·-'"'-~ -- --·-·· ---------------- . 1 --;g-6 \ · My Vndefiled. ! SER. VIllfiirstllem to build in him·ason a rocke, to be / -- --~--.--=--..r l O!?iea. ~ Pf•L7f.•9· I I r ., ( Ifafe in him. i But youwill object Ifthe Churchof Godhe i his Dove, why is it fo with it as it is, that God \ fhonld fuffer his Love and his Dove, and his 1 1 Turtle thus (as it w~re)ro be preyed upon, Give not the foule of th_y Turtle to the 6eajls (fairh the • PfalmiLt) If the Church were Gods D)ve,, he I would efieememore ofitthen he doth, andnot / fuffer it to be perfecuted thus~ \ God never forfakes his Dov e, brt is an t.Arke t for it to fly too, aRockefor it to build on. The I Dovehath alwayes arefuge in God,and inChrill: ! in.the,worll: time. YotJ have anota?Ieplace for j thts, P{al.68. r 3• Thoughyott have lten ttmong the 1 ipots,(that is)fmearedand fullied; yet they j7Ja!i6e ~ l a1 the wings ofa Dove coveredwith filver, andher I fiathers :Vith .Yt!lo.w gold,w~en the A !might~ fcat- 1 !tered Ktngs tn tt,tt WtU wbtte tU the (noJv tn Sa/. ~ I mon. Sothough theChurch of God lies among j. the po 'sawhileall fmeared, and foiled, and ful- 1 lied with the ill ufageof the world ; yet as long · as it keeps it felfe a Dove , unfpotted of the filth of the world and finne, though it bee fmearedwith r.heill ufage th~reof, we fee what l God promifethhere; Yet fo.tll they /;e ,u the wings ·of aDove coveredwith jilver andherfeathers with ~ ellow gold. So God will bring forrh his Pove jWirhglory out ofall thefe abafemencsat length•. So much forthe titl~ ofDove. Ic followes, I Ufily rndtjled. j rndejledis ahigh word to be applied to the ( Church ;