~------------------------------ My Vndepled. / - ---·-· ChurchofGod here~ for the Church groaning under infirmities, robe counted perfed and un– ddi1ed ;. but--Chrifl: who judgeth aright of his · Church, and kn_owes bell: what fhe is ; Heyet thus judgeth of her. But how is that~ The church is rndejiled (efpecially) in thatitisthespouflof chrifl) .mdcloathed with the ro6es ofhis Righteott{ l nejfe. For there is an exchange fu foone as ever 1we are united to Chrifr,our finnes are upon him, and his Righteoufne!fe is madeours ; and there– fore in Chriihhe Church is unddiled. Chrifi himfelfe the fecond Perfon is the firfi lovely thing next the Father, and iuChrifi all things as · they have relation to Him are l0ved, as they are · in Him. Chrifts humane Nature is next loved to. the fecond Perfon; itis UAited,and is firft pu.re, holy,and beloved: Thenbecaufe the Church is Chrifi myfiicall,it is near to him, and(in.a man- 1 ner, as near as that facred :Bodyofhis, both ma– king up one Chrift myfticalJ, and fo is amiable, andbeloved even of God himfelfe, who bath pure eyes ; ye-t in this refpect lookes upon the Church as rndefil(d. 1 Chrifi and his Churchare not tobeconfide– . red as twa:, when we fpeake of rh is unddiled– rneffe,but as one. And rhe Church having Chrift with all that is Chrifts, they have the field, and . the pearlein the fie] d togetherjand Chrill: giving himfelfetothe Church,hegives his Righteouf– ndfe, his perfection,and holines,all is the Chur.– ches. But how can it be the Churches, when ~t \ lS 187-'l SER.Vll .\