Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

190 1 Ml Vndefi/ed. SE 1\ VII to beonlyfoNndin him,not lu,ving theirewnl1ighPhil.J~9• • teoufoejfe,hut the J?.ighteoufneje ofGod in him.This j is amyfiery which none knowes but a beleeving foule ; none fee corruption rnore,none fee ' l themfelves freed more, they have an inward light to fee corruption;and an inward faith to fee I God takesnotadvantage at it. And furely there canbe no greater honour toChrifi then rhis, in the fenfe offin,ofwants, imperfections, fl:aines, and blemiilies ; yet to wrap our felves in the Righkoufne1feofChrill God-man,andby faith being thas covered with that abfolute Righte– oufnelfe of Chrifl:, with boldndfe to goe cloa– thed in the garments ofthis our elder Brother to the Throne of Grace. This is an honour to Chrifi, to attribute fo much to his Righteouf.. ndfe, That being cleathed therewith, we can boldly brtake through the fire of Gods jufl:ice, and all thofe terrible Attributes, when we fee themall(as itwere)farisfied fully in Chrifr: For Chrifi withhis righteoufnelfe could go through the juftice ofGod~ having fatisfir:d it to the full for us. And we being cloathed with this his Righteoufne~eand fatisfaction,may go through too. 2. But befides that, there is another undefi!ednes in the Church, in refped to which fhe is called undefiled;th3.t is,;npurity ofdi!fofttion, tending to perfection. And God refpeets her according to her better part, and according to what he will bring her in due time. For we are £hofen unto perfection, and to be holy inhis tight, and perfectly \