Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

)lyVndefi/ed. leeve in Chrifi, and are purged withbis bloud, that is,thereis no more guilt of fin binding over to eternall darnnatiofl, yet notwithfianding al– wayes there is a con(cience of finne, for we are guilty of infirmities, Andifwe fay wehaveno fin, we lye anddeceitVe~urfeltVes. Hut, Howcan this be thAt tli£refhouldheconfcience ofjhme~ ttndno confcience of(in 1 ,tz jnner)andyet aperftfl Saint andtmdefka? The Confcienceknowes 'its owne imperfeeti– on,fo itis defiled,and accufeth of finne : And as it looks to Chrift, fo it !ees it felfepure, and pur· ged from all fin ; Here isth~conquefi ,fight,and thevi~oryofFaithin the deepeft fenfe offinn~, pollution and defilement in our felves ;· at the fame: time to fee an abfolute andperfeCt Righte- . oufndfe in Iefus Chrift. . Herein is eventhe tri · umphGf Faith whereby it 2nfwers God. And Chrifi who fee§ our imperfeCtions (but it is to purge and clenfe them away,not to damneusfor them)at the fame time he fees us inhis own love, cloathed with his Righteoufndfe, as one with himfelfe endowed with vihatfoeverhehath, his fatisfaetion and obedience being ours, as verily as any thing in the world is. Thus he looks on us, and thus faith look-s upon him roo, and toge– ther with the fight and fenfe offinne,at the fame time , it apprehends Righteoufneffe, perfect Righteoufndfe, and fo is undefiled. This is the maine point in Religion, and the .comfort of I <Shrifiians to fee their perfeelion in Chrift Ie– ~us.And to be loftin themfelves (asit were) and · to · 1 Ioh, J,Io, o6jeEt.