1 188 / ~-~-~_n_d~_i4_ed_. ______ SE R. VII. 1 is nor in the Church, hut in· Chrill: ~ It is fafe for the Church that it is in Chrift; who is perfeet andrndejledfor us,to make us ap– peare fo: And_f~ it is i~ C~rifi the fecond Adam for our good: lt IS not tnhtm as another perfon; but it is in Him,as the Churches head, that make both one Chrifi.The hand and the foot fee not; but both hand and foot have benefic by the eye that fees for them. There is no membe-r of the body underfiands , but the head doe~ all for them. Put the cafe we have not abfolme Righte– oufndfe,and undefiledneffe in our owne natures and perfons inhering in us. Yet we have it in . Chrilhhat is one with us, who bath it for our good. It is ours : For all the comfort and good that We may have by it ; and thereupon, The church in chrifl is .undefiled;yea even then when it feeles its owne defilements. 'And here arifeth that wondrous contradittion that is found ina bd~vers apprchenfio'l. The natureof faith is to apprehendRighteoufoejfe,inthe fenfe oflinne; Happineffe, in the fenfe ofmifery, and favour in the fenfe of difpleafure. And the ground ofit is j Becaufe that at the fametime,the foule may be in fome meafurede– filed in it felfe,and yet notwithfl:anding be uncle– filed in her head and husband Chrift. Hence the guilty foule,when it fedes corruption and ftnne, . 'yet notwithfi:u:jding ddth fee it felfe holy, and l cleane in Chrifi the Head, an_d fo at once there is aconfcience of ftn, and no morecon{Cienceof fin, asthe Apo!He faith, Heh.1o.2·.when we be . · leeve 1