~~ ~ -----_ -----~~ __ v_nd_efi_k_d_. ______ SBR.VII. / And Chrifi he looks upon us,asherneanesro · ; perfett the workeof Grace inus by little and lit– l tle, as he meanes to purge and cleanfe us, as 1 Ephe[5. '26 ,27. The end ofRedemption is, that he might purge his Church, and fo never leave it,till hehavemJde iraglorious Spoufti;3 Heaven. He looks upo·nus, as wt: {hail be ere long, and therefore we are faid to be de4d tofirme, whilewe arebut dying to it. And( faith he)youhavecrnct– fted. the fiefh, with the ajfeBiens and lujls thereof, when we are but crucifying it; but it is faid fo becaufe it is as fure to be done, as ifit were don already. As a man, when he is condemned,a.nd going to his execution,he is'adead man:So there is a femence paffed upon finne and corruption, it flull be abolilhed and die.Therefore it is dead in fentence, and is dying in execution. t is done, Gal.f.2.4· I They that are in chrift bavecrucifi~dthejlejh, with the lafts ,thereof. It is as fure to faith as ifir were Eph.a.6. cone already.So we are f.1id tofit in heavenly pla– ·&es with chri.ft, we are with him already : For Chrifl: having take us fo nea.rin affection eo him. felfe, he will never leave4s,till he have made us fi1ch as he m:1y have full contentment in, which is in Heaven , when thecomraC1between him l and us fhall be fulfilled in confnmmation of the I marriage. Thus faith lookes, and Chrifi Iool<es thus upon us: Which fhould comfort us inweak– . neffe) that God regards us not in our pr~ fent im~ 'perfetlions,but as he means to make us ere long. In the meane time,that he may looke upon us io love, he ' looks up.onus in the obedience of his / fon, \