Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

I - --- M;•-Vndefiled. 1193 _fon, in whom wharfoeveris good iliall be per- SE R. VII. feeted at the laft. . What fhould wedoethen,ifChrifldoth make Vfo t. his Church thus.JJti L()Vt>his Dove,hu rndejfledJ by making his love to meet in itas the Centre thereof, whereunto he doth confine an his love (ss it were) we fhould confine our love to him againe, and have no love out of Chri!t, fince he hathnoloveoutofus: Thercdhould beaneverlafl:ing mutuall fhining, and refleCtion betweene him and the foul e.We fhould layopen our foules to hh love (as indeed he de fires efpecially the communior:t ofour affections) we fhould reflect love to him againe. This perpetuall everlafting enrercourfe between Chrift and his Spoufe, is her maine happindfe here, and her eternal! happindfe in Heaven; In looking on him,who bath done fo much fer us, he fhines on us, and we looke ba<rke againe upon him. Doth Cbrifi love us foindmately,and fo invincibly, that no indignities norlinne could overcome his love~which made,that he-endured that which he hares mofi, (to hecomejinnefir us;naythe want of that, which 1 Cor.).H; 1 was more to him then all the world, the want of the fenfe of the favour of God for a time, c...7vty ~God1 my God, w~y haft thou forfaken me? Hath Chrill: thus infinitely loved us, and fhall not we \backeagainmake him our love~ In their degree /the Saints of God have all done fo. It was a ) tz.oo~ fpeech of.Ign.1timthe Martyr, t.My Love I (hrift wtt~ cructfted. So a Chrifiian !hould fay, uuy love WtU crucified, my lovedyed,my loveu in i . 0 . heaven : : -~-----------------~--'"-