Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

\- 194 I · My Vmlefiled. I IS B a. VU. be4ven:And for the things on earth I love them, as they have a beame of him in them, as they lead me to him;but he is my love,theremy love is pitched, even upon him; this ~s the groundof Phil.3.:z.o. thefeSeriprurephrafes, But ourconverfotionuin he4ven, from whence we looke for the SAviottr, the Col.j.t. Lord Iefiu (hri.ft,&c. and{etyour tijfetlions on the ) things that Areabove. Why ~ Chrifr our love is I there, the (oule umore where it loves, then where ~ its "eJi.den~e is. It d!es(a~ it were)to otherthings, \ and hves m ,the thmgs tt loves ; therefore our thoughts and affections, our joy and delight iliould be drawn up t-0 Chrifi;for indeed his love hath fuch a magneticall attracrive force, that where it is, it will draw up the heavy yron, the · groife foule,and make it heavenly> for there is a binding, a drawing force in this excellent affecti– on oflove. · V'J;ty Love)my Dove,&c. v;e 2 • There are all words of fweetneife, he labours to exprdfe all the affection he can, for th.e con– fcience is fubject: to upbraid, and to clamour much, fo that there mufr b~ a great deale of perfwafion, tofiill theaccufingconfcienceof a finner,to fet it down~make itquiet,and perfwade · it of Gods love. Therefore he ufeth all hea– venly Rhetoricke to perfwade and move fections. 1n this that the Church is undefiled in Chr!fi, Vfe 3· Let us learne when affiiGted in confcience;not fo much to judge of our felves by what we fee1e in our fdves, as by what faith fuggefl:s. In Chrifl: 1\ _ there-