Ml Vndefi/ed. tl:lerefore let us judge of our felves by what we areas in him. Wear~ pcore in our felves,but have riches in him ; we die in our felvesin regard of this life, but we havealife in him, an eterna!llifo; and we are jirmers in our felves ; but we have a -Righteoufneje in him, whe_reby we are righteous inhis fight. Weare foolifb~unskilfoU,and igriorant in ourfelves; but he is our wifedome inall whttt– foever is amiffe in us. Let us labour to feeafull fupply of our wants made: up in Chrifi,this is to glorifie God as much as if we could fulfill tLe Law perfeet1y. Ifwe wereas tmdifiledas t.Adam was,we could nor glorifie God more)then when we find our [elves, and our con[cience guilty of finnes, yet,thus by the Spirit ofGod to goc: out of our felves,and to feeourfelvesin Chrill:j~nd thus to cafi our felves on him,embrace him, and takethatgift ofGod given us, Chrifiofferedto us, becaufe God fo commands,we honour God more, then ifwe had the obedieacethat LAdam had at fidl: beforehis fall : For now in the cove– nant of Grace, hewill be g}orified in his mercy, in his forgiving, forbearing, rich tranfcendent mercy ~ and in going beyond aJI our unworrhi– neffe and finnes, by !hewing that there is aRigh– teou[nejs'e provided -for us, the Righteoujn~ffe of God-111an, whofe obedience and fatisfatt:ion is more then our difobedience , becaufe it is the Jifohedienceofman onely; but his ohedienceand Righteoufnejfe is the olxdienct, andRighteoufoe]fe ! of God-n:an : [o_ it 0risfieth div~ne jull:ice ; and 1 therforeought to fattsfie Confctence to the full, \ ' 0 2 our . 1 95 SER. vn. 1 Cor.$.2.0,