Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

My Vndefiled, 197 - fons that have no Religion at all,who out ofma- SE R. Vll. lice ·and envy watch for the halting of good Chrifiialls, wh<;> can fee nothing but defilement in thofe that have any good in them, nothing but hypocrifie, rnopiihndfe, all that is naught, . who ifthey can dcvife any blemi(h, put it upon \them; whereas Chrifi fees agreat deale of ill in ·the Church, but he fees it to pardon,fubdue,and . to pitty the Church for it, extollingand magni· fying its goodndfe. What fpirits arethofeof, tl13t watch to fee imperfections in others, that their htJarts tell them are better then they, that they may only difgrace them by it ; for go<;~dnes they ·will fee none. . And likewife~ it ihould teach us notto wrong Vfe t. ourfelves with falfejudgement.We ih'ould have adouble eye, oneeye to feet hat whichisamiffe inus, our owne imperfections, thereby to carry our felves in aperpetuall humility; but an other eye of Faith, to feewhat w~have inChdfl:, our 1 perfetl:lon inhim,fo to accefunt ofour felves, and \glory in this our bell: b~ing, that in him we have a glorious being, fuch an one whereby God ell:eemes us perfect, and undefiled in him onely The one of whichfighr's ihould inforce us to the !other,which is one end, why God in this world (leaves corruption in his children. Oh!fince I am / thus undtfiled, fhall I reft in my felfe ~ Is thcr~ any harbour for me to rell: in mine owne Righ– reoufneffe ~ 0 no, it drives a man out ofall har- 1 hour ; Nay, I will rell: iq that Righteoufndfe, j which God hath '''rought by Chrifr, who is · . 0 ~ God- ! ~ -~