1 98 \ Ml Vndefi/ed. ----------~----- SBtt. vu .I God-Man) That will endure the fight of God, being doathed,with which I can endure theprc:– fence ofGod : Sothisfight ofour owne·u.nwor- l thindFe and wants, fhould not be a ground of difcouragemenr, but a ground ro drive us per– fettly out of our felves, that by faith we might renew our title to that Righteoufne!fe, wherein r is our efpeciall gl0ry. Why fhould we not judge · ofour felves as Chrifl cloth ~ Can we fee more in our felves then hee_doth ~ yet notwith– ftanding all he fees, .hee accounts us as Vnde– 'jletl. Vfo7· Againe,Gnce he accounts us undrjiled,becau[e he rneanes eo make us fo, and now lookes on us, 'as we fhall be ; In all our foy les and infirmities, let us comfort our felves, it fball not thus be al– wayes with us. 0! ehis fldh ofmine fhall fall and fall fiill, and !hall decay as Sauls houfe, and the . Spirit at the lafl: flnll conquer in all this. I am not chofen to this beginning, to this conflicting courfeof life. I am chofen to triumph,to perfe– ction ofGrace, this is my comfort. Thus we fbould comfort our fdves, and fer upon our ene- \ mies, and coflflitt in this hope of victory, Hl1all ~ getthe better ofmy felf at the lafl:.Imperfeetion iliould not difceurage, but comfort us in rh is world; weare chofen to perfection ; Lee us frill rejoyce , in that we are chofen to Sanc1ijcation, which is a little begun}being C!n earnefl: ofether bleffings ; let us not refl: in thepledgeor in the earnefl:, but labour fora further pledge of more firength and grace: Forthofe that have the Sp~- 1 . rtt I