1 - -· 2-'- 0.....:..; 0__ 1 . 1haf7Je pt4t offmJ coat~&c, · 1 SErt. vn. Ol:{erv. I. I Mat. ),tG. ~------------------------------- r fleepy profdfion, fome freedome from evill I· tongues, and fome exemption, and immunity I from fometroubles I was in ·befiJre. I was then perhaps too indifcreet, now wilt thon call me ~gainero thofe troubles that I have wifely 3.Voi– ded ~ No,Ihaveput off my coat, howJhall Ipttt it 1 on? I have wafoedmy feet,how fo,zlt I defile them? / I affecl:this efiate very well ; I am contentto be as I am \vithout further rroubling of my felfe; Thws the Church puts offChrifi. This I take to be the meaning of the words, That which is ob– ~rvable is this, That it is not an ealie matter to bring the foule and Chrifi together i?to neare fellowfhip, Wee fee here how the Church drawes backe; for the flefl1 moves either not to yeeld at all to duty,oreo be cold,uncerraine, and unfetl~d therein. The flefhknowes that a neare com1 nunion with Chrill: cannot fl:and with fa– vouring any corruption, and therefore the fle{h will doe fomething,but not enough,it will yeeld to fomething, but not to that that it iliouid doe, to that communion and felfowfhip that wee ought to have with Chrift. To in!bnce in fome particulars,as a ruleand meafure to fomewhac of which we fl1ould be. I A Chritl:ian life fhould be nothing but acom– munion and emercourfe with Cbritl. A wal– king in the Spirit, and to be fpiritual1, and to fa– vour the things of the Spirir altogether, he fhould lludy to adorne ·his profeifionby a liveIy and cheerfull perf?rmance of duty, and be~x~ emplary to others;and {hJuld be in fuch a frame, 2S