Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

1harve wa/bedmJ feet)&c. 2.o1 I as he{houldwalke contimt~tlly in the comforts ofthe s :s i.VII. Holy-Ghoff undif~ayed, and. ~ndaunted, t..And Att.s. 39. j ahound in the fi uitS of the Sptrtt, and doe all the goodhecanwherefotverhecomes; He iliould keep himfelfe em!Jottedof the world,goe: againfi the I:lm,x.z7, fireame, and becominually in fuch a temper, .as it iliould be the joy ofhisheartto bed iliolved, 2 Tim. .oJ..s. and to be with Chrifi. O ne might goe on thus in aworld ofparticnlars,,vhich would be too loag." If \VC could attaine_ td this excellency, it were an happy life,a Heaven upon Earth, this weilioutd ) ayme at. Will the fldh endure this,thinkc you~ No,it will not;Which y0u {hall fee more particularly in this next Obfervation,which is, . That one H711J, wherehy the unregener~zte pttrt in Olferv.z.' m hinders thu communion with chrtjl) and the fhi 7 ning of a beleever in a Chrifiian courfe, Is by folfe pretences,rett(ons and excufes. I have wafhed my feet,l haveptttojfmycoat,&~. , The fldh never wsms excufes and pretences (there was never yet any came tohell, but they - had fome feeming pretence for their comming thither , to fhitc and fhuffie offduties ; there was never yet any careldfe finfull courfe, but it had th~ fleil1 to jufiifieit with one reafon or other;and therefore it is good to underftand the Sophifii– call ihifts ofthe fldh) and pretences and iliewes which it hath~and as it is good to know the truth of God,and ofChrifi revealed in his Word, fo is ic to know the falfeneffe and deceitfulndfe of our owne hearts, they areboth myfteries almofi alike,hard to be knowne. Labour we thenmore { . ~nd - ------ ;