[ 20~ / Jharvew1>1jbedm:~ foet,&c. \ .1S :a R. VII. and m~>re to know the falihood of our owne diC. / pofition,and ro know the truth ofGod: To give 1 infiance in a few particulars : You fee in rhe Church the diffict!llty of her CGmmunion with ChrHl comes from the idle pretences and excu– fes ~1e hath.Every o_n~ lt:h his fev_erall pretexts, I! as hts ftate and tondmon 1s.We thmk we thouId be loofers,ifwe give our felves to that degree of! goodnelfe whichothers doe,\¥Hereas God doth 1 curfe thofe bleffings which men get with neg- \ Ieel: ofduty to him. Ifwe fcek firfi the ki r. gdome ofi·Ieaven, all other things that are good for us OhieCl. Anfw. 06ieCf. .Anfw. Ol1ieCl. Anfw. fhall be call: upon us. . . Thou !halt lofe the favour offuch an one'! Never care for that favour rhou canft not keep with Gods favour, the fovoar ofman is a fnare, take heed of that favour that fnares thee: thoulo[efl: their favour and company ; but thou gaineft fhe favour of Chrift, .and company of Angels. · .But th~ywillraile on thee,and reproach thee I wirh thy old fins'! Carennt,Godwilldoe thee goodfor that, as Da- , vid[aid,when shemei curfed him. But I !halllofemy ple.1fure 1 0 but fuch pleafures end in death;they are hl:lt pleafures offin for a feafon, & thou ilialtnot lofe by the change, the w~tyes ofwiftdome are plea[ant wayes, one day religiouily fpent in keeping ofa good confcience, what a fweet farwell bath it '! Joy u inthe habitation of tberighteotu.Ithecomes the Righteous to be joyfoll. How ever outwardly it l - feemes,