-------------~----------------~ ------- Iba-pewafbedmy fiet,&c. (eemes,y<:t there is a Paradife within. Many fuch objections the flefh rnak~s, fometake fcandall at theprofperity ofthewicked,andaffliCtionoft~e Saints, amd from hence take occalion to rot m their dregs of fin; but what faith Chrifr, Happy is theman who I! not offended in me.As for the pro– fperity ofthewicked, envy them not,they fiand in flippery places,an~ flourifh like agreene bay– tree, but prefenrly theyvanifh. Take no offence at themnor at the croffe, looke not at this, but at the enfuingcomfort.Blelfedare they th~tfojfer for Righteoufoe.lfe fake, bin~ fuch words toyour head as yotucrowne, God re[erves the beft_ comforts to the worft times,his peoplenever find it other– wife. I but ifI be thus precife,thetimes are fo bad, I flull bealone. · Complaine not of the times when thoumakefi then) worfe> thou fhnuldefi make the times bet– ter, the worfe the times are, the better be thou, for this is thy glory, tobe good in anevill gene– ration. This was Lots glory. Paul tels wh,ac ill times they were: But faith he,our conver{ation is in Heaven, ftom whence we looke for a Saviour. What brings dell:ruetion on Gods people, but lthdrjoyningwith the-wicked. Whenthey joyned with the children of men, theo camethe floud :Thefeand the like pretences keep menal– together from goodndfe, or elfe from fuch a me:afure,as may bring honour to God,andcom– fort to themfelves. , Orif menbegreat, why this is not honoura- \ · ble ' SBR. VII. MM. I I 6. o/Jjea. Anjw.