I 1harvewafbedmy feet,&c. ~taimyof this life ofours, the weightineffe ofthe bu(ineffe,the dangerofthecufiome of fin, the ingaging of our h~arrs deepe~ and deeper into the world, makes tt a more dtfficult thmg to be a Chrifiian. It more and moredarkens our underfianding the more we fin ne) and the more it efirangeth our affeCtions from good things,rhe more we have wn out irJ an evill courfe, Time is a fpecial mercy,but when thou haft not time on– ly but the meanes, good comp~my, and good · motions, thou rnaydl: never have fuch a gale againe, thy heart may be hardened through the deceitfulodfe of finne. Againe, who would want the comforts of Religion for the prefent (as <.,Au_ftin faith) I havewante4thy fweetne!fe t1o leng. What folly is it towamthe fweetndle and comfort of Religion fo long as wee m3y have ir. Some others pretend, The uncomforta!Jlenejfe 2.0, ·r Sn1t..VII. - I 1 Religion~ I (hall want my comforts, when as in– deed there .is no found comfort without having our hea'rts in~ perfeCt communion with Chrifi, walking with God, and breaking off from our evill courfes~What isthereafoA of difcomforts, unrefolvedneffe, and unfetledndfe <: when we know not where we are,whetherwe goe,orwhat our condition is, unfetledndfe breeds difcom– fort, an·d indeed there is no pleafure fo much, as the pleafure that the ferving of God hath wi th ir. As the fi're bath light and heate alwayes in it, fo there is no holy action that wee performe throughly, but as it hath an increafeof ftrengt.h, _ _______ fo__.....- (· /