Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

206 SE!\· VII. Iba-vewafoed my,&c .. ------- fo there is an increafe of comfort and joy annexeti to it. There is aprefent reward annexed toall things that-arefpiritually good ;they carry with them prefent pexe and joy, the confcience bath that prefent comfort, which _confumes all dif– couragements whatfoever, as is alwayes found in the experience of that fou1c, that bathwon fo much of it felfe, as to breake through difcou– ragements to the praetife of holy duties. Be.. leevers have a joyand comfort, thttt others know n~t of, an hidden kind of c.;wttnna, and C0ntem– mem. Thefe and a thoufand filCh like difcourage– ments men frame to thernfelves. Myhealth will _ not ferve,HhaB endangermy life.There is"Lion ;n the W4J(faith the fluggard)who withhis excu– fes thinkshimfilft wifer then the wifejlin the Ctty. Therdsnone fowifeasthe fluggard; for belly policy teachc:th him agreat many excufes,which he thinks will goe for wifedorne, becaufe by them he thinks to flcep in a whole skin ; He is but a fluggard for a11that~and though he plead, Tet a-little while, Poverty) r.otonelyoutward, but fpirituall poverty, and barrenneffeof foule wiU come upon him as an armtdman, and leave him de ftitutt of grace andcomfort, when he f11all fee at the laft what :m evill courfe of life he bath led, that he bath yeeldcd fo much to his lazie flefh to be drawne away by difcouragements from duties, that he was convinced were agree– able to the word .. Now whttt may be the grounds Jtnd &aufes of theft folfl Pretences and Excufes, which\