whichhintkr tu from holy duties. There be manY caufes. Firftofall,onecaufeofthisin us is this, Naturally fo far as we arenor gu!de~ bya,berter Spi. rit then our owne, we are mchned roomuch to the earthly prefent things of this life; becaufe they are prefent and pleafanr ; andwe arenuzled up in them;and whatfoever puis us from them is 107 SoB R~ VII. Caufts of ou~ de/ayes in put• tin~ offjpiritu. an duttes. I. Our inclinatio to earthy things. unwelcome to us. This is one ground. Againe, joyne with this, that naturally fi.tlce B . ~• . a, the f~ll, ~he foule of f!lan. having lofl: wifedom_e p::~::;~; n~~ togUlde 1tto that whtch IS truly good, bath Wlt tura!fY ~bounenough left to devife untoward {hifiE, to excu fe detb tn/hifts. that which is evill.In rhis falleneHatethe former abilities to devife thi11gs throughly good, is turned to a mattet' of untoward wit joyned with iliifdng. God made man right, but he h2th Eccl.7· 2, 9· fought out many inventions. CarnaUwit ftrves carnal!wiUvery well, ttnd c~trnall lujls never want an advocate to plead for them,_namely carna/1 rea · fo~t. From the bent therefore of the foule to ill things, Pleafore, Ea(e, and Honour(fuch acondition as pleafeth theoutwardman fince the fall )th~ bent--and weight ofthe foule goeth this way, together withwit: having lofi the Image of God in holy wife9ome-,-ther-e is !hifting. This is a ground atfo why delayes are joyned with fuifrs. Agai~e, t?e~e is another.ground, that corrupt 3_: Nature(mthis hkethe Devlll and fin) which ne- Becau(e of cor- . h · I fc rupt natures verappeare mt etrowneco ours, ets a man on tzkeiJeffitD this way. Who would not hate the DevilJ, if he the Ve'Uill. 1hould