108 / · 1ha~e .~:J!ed my.- ftet,~c. , ' S.a R.VII. :1l1ould appeare tnhts owne hkendfe~ or finne if it fhould appeare in its owne colours ~ and therefore wit ftre.tcheth it felfe ro finde out fl~ifts. For fayes the heart, unlelfe the.re be fome I fhifts and preten·ces to cover my iliame, I !hall be knowne to be what I am indeed, which I would be loth were done : I' would have the fweet, but not the fl1ame of linne, the credit of Religion, but not put my felfe to the roll: which commeth with true Religion, to d·eny my felfe. corrttpt courfls never appeare in their owne colours' they are like the n~vill for this. 4· And then againe, Naturally there is agreat ]jecau~e of ourl de~le of hyp~crilie in us ; we maydoe duties to hypocr fie. fattsfie Confc1ence(for fomewhat mull: bedone) to heare now and then, read and come to prayer betwixt fl eepingandwaking (yawning prayers) when we can doe nothing elfe ; fomewhat mufr be done, confcience elfe will cry out of us that we are Atheifis)and fuall be damned,{ome fl ub– beringfervice mufi be done therefore. Yet not– with!tanding herein is our hypocri.fie, that we cannot bring our hearts to doe ir, as it ibould be i done to purpofe; for though it be true thatth t re · is muchimperfeetion in the befi adions,the bdt 1 performances ; yet this ishypocrilie,when men doe no~ doe it as God may accept it, and as it { 'd may yebddkth~dmf~Iv:s ~·o 11mfodrr. ;[dhe hebart I 1 raw~s ac e, uttes It w.t an · mut[ oe, ut . 1 yet Wtll . not doe them as tt fuall have comfort· I by them. This is inbred in the heart naturally, , con-l