Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

--~----~----~--~~~~------ 1 209 1ba"pe put offm; coat,&c.,. confcience forceth to doe fomething, though I SE tt.VII. the fldh and corruption puis backe. This is the difpofidon ofall meri, till they have got thevictory oftheir owne Atheifl:icall hearts. · AFJd then againe, Another ground may be this, a falfe c0nceit of God} and of Chrift, that - they will take any thing at our hands, becaufe we love our felves, and thinke that we doe very well ; we thinke that God is fuch a one as we are,as it is,P[al.5o.2r. Thou thoughteft that I wtU . like unto thee,&c. that God will be put off with any thing, and any excufe will ferve the turne. You have Aot a fwearer, a filthy careldfe perfon, Btlt he thinks God is mercifo!l, and (hrifl died for jinners, and I Wd1 provoked to it, &c. frill he thinks to have fome excufe fGr it, and that they I will fiand good with God. This Atheifme is in us Aaturally;and when we are palpably r o blame in the judgement ofothers, and our [elves in our fober wits ; yet wee put more ignorance apd carelefne1fe on God then on our [elves. Tujb,God reKardsit not, it is the times, I would be better: It is company whom I mull: yedd unto) &c. They thinke God will accept thde things from them. But one rn3ineground thereof is, The fcan– dals that we meet withall in the world, which (indeed) is a ground, becaufe our owne falfe hearts are willing to catch at any thing. You fee <fay they) thefe men that make profeffion of Religionwhatthey are(and then the Devill will 5· B~cauft of a fal(e conceit of GodQ)ldof Chrijt. 6. 7{Je (canda.!r we meet witbe all in the , world· thrull: fome Hypocrifie into the profeffion of p Re- ! ·--· ---~----~-----~~