\ , 210 I ha"Peput offmycoat,&c, . ISBR.Vll. Religion) and they judge all byoneortwo(and will be fure to doe it)therein fl:ands thei~ingenu– ity_; and if they can fee any infirmity in them that are incomparably better then themfelves, Oh they are fafe, here is warrant enough to 1 diflike Religion and all good courfes, becaufe j fome doe fo and fo, as if the courfeofReligion were the worfeforthar. Thus they wrap them- 1 fel ves in t hofe excufes, as men doe their hands to defend them from pricks. This is the; vile poyfon of our hearts that will be naught, arid yet notwith!landing will have reafon, to be fo. Thefpeech is, wickedneJ?e never w.tntedpretexts: which as it is true of great wickedndfe, much more is it of that which goes in the world for drowJie, lukewarme profef]ion, undetwhich many finke.to hell befme they are aware. They never w.int reafon and pretexts to cover their .finne, there is a mint and forge of them in the foule, it can coine them fuddeniy. Thus wee fee our wits doe ferve us excellently well, to Jay blocks ·in our o\vne way to hinder us from Heaven ; we are dunces__and duJI to doe any thil'lg rhat is fpirimally good..,. whereofwe are inc:apable. Bnt if it be to Jay blocks in our 1 owne way to Heaven, to quarrell with God and his Ordinances, with the doctrine of fal– vation, with the infiruments)rcachers,and thofe that lead us a better way , that our wit will ferve for. Bur to take a courfe to doe us good · another day, to lay !JP comforts, in which we , might end and clofc up our dayes, there we are ( . b3ck I