2-tl SEa.Vlii. ~~~~~ .. ~~*~***~** ~ff'r:r~fJ*fi~~ qn'*ti~ The eighthSermonll 1 c A N T. V. I I I. I httve putoffmy cottt,how jhalt I put it rm ?1 httve w11jhedmy ftet,how Jba!lltlejtethem? a=;:;:~~~Eare now by Gods affifiance to . fpeakeofthe remedies againfl: the ~WA '· lazie difl:empers we are prone un– , to in fpirituall things, where we .--~~"':t.V/J,~Ilefr offthe lafi day. !2!!Jf1. What courfe lhe>uld we take then to come forth from this dificmpered lafineffe, that we may attaine a fpirituall tall: and relifhof heaven– ly things:foasnottoloath religiousexercifes, or delay and putthemo1f with excufes• .Anf 11• . Firft of alJ, Re(olve ntJt to conjult withfie (hAnd r. bloudinany thing: For it alwayes counfds us fer R.e[olvenet~o eafe, as PeurcounfdledChrifi:,UJt4}lerpitty thy ;1f 11 1 br'~h elfe. So we have a nature in us like unto Peter, / b 4~· ou · fpare, favour, pitty thy felfe. LikeHevah, and 0 1 tubs wife, we have a corrupt nature that is al– wayes foliciting from God, and drawiag us un– to vanity. Take heed of counfellingwith flefh and bloud ; for ifmen were in aCityenvironed round about with enemies, would they confult with,