. I hdl?e put offmy coat,&c, with them what they fhould doe for defence ~ ~ R.VIli ofth\i:City ~were it not amad part~an<1 i$ it not a greater madneffe when Chrifl:ians wilt con~ fultwith fldh and bloud what thev fhoulddoe in <duties of obedience, which. will alwayes put usupoa tearmesofeaf~, the favour ofmen,eontent and the like, which ifa man yeeld ro, he £hall never enter into h~aven. Take heed th~refore ofconfulting with our enemy, feeingSatan hath all the correfrondency he hath by thatenemy whichwe harbour inour bq(ome. In which cafe t~e hurt he doth us by his fophillry comes by our felves,we betray our felves byour carnall reafon, whereby Satan mingletl:} himfelfewith our imaginations andconceits Let us therefore bewarewe lHlen not to the counfell of fle{h and bloud, efpeciallywhenthematter comes tofuffering once ; for there of all ~rher things·fldh and bloud cloth draw backe. Every one hatha Peter in himfelfe, that faith;Spdre thy felfe: Thou art indifcreet to venture thy felfeupon this and that hazard. But where rhe judgement isCQnvinced ofthe goodndfe of the cJufe~whet<her it be Religion or Iuftice, for the firfi or for tl:)efecond tabl~ that matters not: Ifthe judgement be: con· vinced of the thing, then confulr not with fldh andbloudwhatfoever the fufferingbe. It is not neceifary that we fhould live in ric he~~ honours, pleafu.resand efl:imation with the world •. But it is nec:dfary wee fbould live hone£1: men and good Chrifiians; thereforewhen flefl1and bioud I' objeeteth in this kind,confult not with it : Firfi, . I I. i P 3 Becaufe ! ·------------- - . ...,.....--·---