Sibbes - Houston-Packer Collection BX9339.S5 B6 1641

1j4 \ .Iha--peputoffmyeoat,&c. Salt. VIII. Becaufe it is an ememy, and therefore is to he fufpcded and neglected: Secondly, BecaiHe it is 1 Cor.1 s. ~o. {aid, F lejb dtndhloud foaU not i11beritthe kingdome of Heaven; and therefore '.ve lhould practife that firfi ldfon in Religiofl, Heavenly wifldome; To ·ayde us wherein, Chrifi (knowing what aneneI Rom.8. my we are to our felves in the wayes of God) faith,Let amAndeny himfelfl, andtakeuphis Crojfe 11nd foUorv me. There is no followingof Chrift, , confidering that our £ldh is fo full of cavils and : excufes, unldfe we practife that heavenly ldfon of Chrifi,todeny our [elves, our whole fdfe,our wit and reafon in the matters of God : our will and affections. Saynay to all the tluggifhneffe of the fldh ; filence all prefently as fo·oneas ever they difcourage thee from holywayes. Confi– der whence they come~which is enough;from G9d~ and our enemy, and theworftenerny we . have that lyeth in our owne bofome. And to in– able us the; better, what P11ul faith, We are no more debtors to·the ftefh,&c. W~owenothing .to it ; I owe not fuch obedience, fuch fubjecl:i. onto the fldh and carnall reafon;[ have renoun– ced it long fince. What am I obnoxious to a man unto whorn I owe no fervice~ We owe the Rdl1 no fervice or obedience, what {hall we yeeld to that which wee have long fince re. nouncedt? \ ; . And withaJI,/nSpiritutt!l courjes,let ~M armeour !ob~ ~e(olute Jelves with refo!u.tion: Firfi)conclude, Is itfo,or not tnf}rrttuaUun- fll · d / b . d c ,f"n/ ) dertakingr. l ~' e~ ourJU ger:nenrs. e convmce ; .r~r. Rt.JO ~- tton 1s a d1fpofiuon anfing from thewdlunmed1- t l , acely )\