1hatVeput offmycoat, &c·. ately; but it is ofthewiO, hy found judgement c1n- S 2 tt.VIII. vineedofthe goodneffe ofthe thing,after which the 1vi!l refolves. Get refolutionfrom foundndfe o·f convittion, that fuch things are good~ and tllat they are bdl: for us, and bdl for us att his tim~, th~ fooner the better,that thereis an abfolute necdlity to have them, agd that th~y are evetlaftingly good: 0 thefe confidc:rations will put us on arnaine to obtaine the fame. It is our duty, and we fball fin againfi God, againfi our (onfcience, againft: the: Spirit of God, and againfi iothers that take like liberty by our examples)If we yeeld to our b-fe lufisand fuggdHons in this kind• . . · . A help to Re· And to helpRe{olutton the more, let us have folution. · . before our eyes theexamples of Gods worthies, 2. Sam, 2 +I 6 • who (like unto Davids worthies, who brake ! through the Hoafi of the Philijlims for water) have in all ages broken through all difcourage– ments, and made confcience more to pleafe God, to hold commun~on and fellowfhip with Chrilt, then to hold :my correfpondeQcy with the world.LooketobidfedPaul,What doye vex- A8:.H.•3· ingefme and IJre11kingmy heart ? I am rettdy not Dnely togoetolerufalem,lmt todie for ChriJfs fake. - And looke to Chrifr, how he {hakes off Peter, Get thee behindme Satan,&c. Looke to UMofes, M:~t.It!,2.?· how hee fhooke off all the felicitations of a He b. I 1 '" 6 • Court;Becaufe he hadan eye to the rccompenceofthe. .reward. Looke to Iojhuah, I and my hmtft wili flrve the Lor4. Let others of the world doewbar Io!h 2.4.1 ~. they will : If others will goe to the Devilllet 1 P 4 them, •