1harveput off m; eoat;&c, SE. a.VIII. them~ for my felfe, IaAd my houfe (thofethar r · have charge of) will ferve the Lord. This was a Neb.6.u. noble refolution which was ingood Nehemiah, Sha!l.Jitch aman tU IJlye? what ihall I flie ~ ihall I doe this ~ yeeld to this bafe difcouragement ~ ihall I difcourage others( like thofejjiesofCana– an) by mit1eexample 1 Hence it is chat Heh.u. In that notable Chapter, That little6ooke ofMar– tyrs~ aftet· the catalogue of thofe worthies fet downe there, that which we are exhorted and pointed to in the beginning.ofche next Chapter, is unto the prad:ife ofthe like vertues in imitaHeh. u . 1. , tion, having before us foch a(loud of witneffis, whertJVith 6eingcompajfed, the exhortation is, Let us thereforejlJakeejf every thing that prejfethdown, andthe finne thtlt hangetb (o fost Dn,&c. As the cloud was a guide to them to Canaan out of Egypt : fo the Cloudof good examples is as it were a light to goe before os, to theheavenly eaHeb.u.z. nun. . In this cafe aboveaiJ, let us looke to Chrifl:, Wo u the Authorandjinijher ofourfoith.Thiswill rnake us Qreakc;: through difttouragements, and refolvc indeed. What could hinder him ~ his love was fo fiery,that nothing could hi_nder him tocome from Heaven to theWomb of the Vir– gin, from thcmce to the! Croffe, and fo to the Grave, to be abafed lower then ever any crea– ture was. His love to us fo carried him through all difcouragement~ aAd difgraces. confiderbim,. who enduredfoch jpeaking againft offlnners. The confideration,of Chrifts loveand example will carry.,